349 Passaic St #201 Passaic, NJ 07055
  (201) 347-7776
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CNY Passaic Limousines and Party Buses is your premier transportation service company. We pledge to deliver the best in quality and class while ensuring your safety and satisfaction. Whether you are getting married, celebrating a birthday or having a night-out, we are here to transport you to your destination with luxury and comfort. With Passaic Limousines and Party Buses, you don’t have to worry about being crammed or unable to stand and move around. Passaic Limousines and Party Buses is the ultimate luxury and comfortable limousine for your parties. All of our employees are highly trained, fully licensed and insured drivers that are committed to prompt and reliable service. They are always committed to providing a safe and comfortable ride for you and your party. Let us show you why we are your choice for all of your limousine or party bus needs! Give us a call today.
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349 Passaic St #201 Passaic, NJ 07055
(201) 347-7776