20 Packhorse Road, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 9AW United Kingdom
  07496 750071
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Pest infestation can surface any time of the day or night, and when it does, you will want to call for help right away. That is why Country Life Pest Control is on call 24/7. Whether it’s home or business, a pest infestation can get problematic by the minute, and we know the dangers it can pose to the property and occupants. We act fast and come prepared with the most effective solutions to eradicate pests and future-proof your property so that they don’t pester you again. We can treat mice, wasps, bed bugs, mole and much more. Call us today to schedule a visit.
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20 Packhorse Road, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 9AW United Kingdom
07496 750071