5/183, Mu Ban Klang Mueang Monte-carlo , Thetsaban Songkhro Rd, Lat Yao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
  (+66) 62-445-5195
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KOMPAD CO., LTD. introduces a new set warehouse lighting LED products KOMPAD CO., LTD. comes up with LED lights efficient in lighting up warehouses Body: 5th of February 2020, Bangkok: KOMPAD CO., LTD. has recently launched its new product which is a warehouse lighting led that is extremely powerful. The company has been one of the top manufacturers of LED lighting products in the country. Its latest product can come to great use to the warehouse owners as they can save on the electricity bills. The Managing Director of the company recently said in his interview, “KOMPAD CO., LTD. is one of the most trusted led factory shop ( ?????? Led ) in the country. We have been manufacturing LED lighting products for more than a decade and have managed to set a benchmark in the market. Our latest launch, warehouse LED lights are capable of emitting a huge amount of light consuming very less power. They are also backed up with Surge Protection and can be repaired if damaged.” KOMPAD CO., LTD. sells a wide variety of LED lights that are made without compromising on their quality. Customers can easily buy products from their led factory online shop at a very cheap price.
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5/183, Mu Ban Klang Mueang Monte-carlo , Thetsaban Songkhro Rd, Lat Yao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
(+66) 62-445-5195