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Kosmic Fusion offers meditation and workshops related to self-realization. Our workshops benefit people in their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual problems. We follow three core principles: Honesty, Integrity & Authenticity. People interested in spirituality, vedanta philosophy, ancient teachings from Indian sub-continent, people working towards self-realization, bhakti path, meditations can join our workshops and avail the benefits of meditation and spirituality. Kosmic Fusion, founded by Sree Maa is a non-religious worldwide movement towards a world makeover. We follow & practice our path to Self-realization and God-consciousness. Over the years, participants of our meditation and workshops have resolved severe Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual blocks by identifying, addressing and resolving core issues with our Silent Transmissions. Our goal is to provide every individual with Absolute truth without any influenced fluff and jargon. We engage with people from all walks of life and belief systems, and our workshops & events are attended by range of people from diverse background, who are interested in exploring spirituality to Awaken, Transform & Transcend perceived limitations.
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P.O Box 9502, Newmarket. Auckland 1149