WISNIOWA 6, 05-091 Z?BKI, Voivodship, Poland
  +48 22 254 1313
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This website is planned for persons who wish to attend in Holy Mass in the net. Here you can reach links to Holy Masses online from different churches all over the world. When you enter the picked webpage you will able to go through the calendar with the Catholic Holy Masses live online. Please click in the picked hour when you want to see the Holy Mass online. Our website showed its usefulness in a latest hard period. In the their opinions, men and woman show how needed is this portal for them. If you utilize online calendar you have permission to append the Holy Mass live to your own calendar. If you need to celebrate the Holy Mass now click on the link "Watch online Holy Mass". And the live broadcast website opens by oneself. Then you can be able to watch the Holy Mass live online. This webpage was created for the disabled people, home bound and for those who, due to various major reasons, could not go to church to take part in Holy Mass; or those who, due to their locations, do not have churches to go to. We hope our page will help our sisters and brothers in faith to celebrate the Holy Mass online wherever they are. For persons understand English language this webpage will be very needed, but persons also take part in Holy Masses broadcast in Tamil, Malayalam or Mandarin language. No matter where you located, the calendar will show you a Holly Mass according to your current local time. The broadcasts go on 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We stream more Holy Masses on saint's day and on Sunday. If you own a moment of free time, you can spend it at the Blessed Sacrament, whose we also broadcast.
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WISNIOWA 6, 05-091 Z?BKI, Voivodship, Poland
+48 22 254 1313