ul. Jana Kazimierza 47,01-267, Warsaw,701-267 ,Poland
  +48 61 660 4681
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Polska Livestock prides itself on the natural breeding of structurally sound goats and sheep, reared under paddock conditions. We have been breeding quality goats & sheep from a range of genetics. We started out as a mini ranch, raising Boer goats, Kalahari red goats, Dorper and Damara sheep. Slowly and carefully, we purchased quality breeding animals from numerous reliable farms. Since then, it has been all about the quality and customer satisfaction. We strive to maintain herd sizes that are manageable without outside help.||Hours of operation 8:00 AM-18:00 PM
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ul. Jana Kazimierza 47,01-267, Warsaw,701-267 ,Poland
+48 61 660 4681