Waterloo House, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 5JD, UK
  44 (0)1952 250800
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Lighting is an important utility for any business. Procure LED Managed Service Plan makes it easy for you to get the right lighting for your business, with no financial outlay. This means that there is no need to raise debt or CAPEX for your lighting project as it sits off balance sheet. Our unique Managed Service Plan provides you with full maintenance cover throughout the term of the plan, giving you total peace of mind. You simply sit back and enjoy the benefits of great lighting; reduction in your energy bills and tax advantages, all with no maintenance costs. All together strong business reasons why you should work with Procure LED!
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Waterloo House, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 5JD, UK
44 (0)1952 250800