4/1 Stanyford Way Medina WA 6167
  0401 797 662
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Transition personal training's primary objective is to empower and inspire individuals to realize their health and fitness goals. At transition personal training, we believe that education and support are vital when it comes to soul, spirit and body health. Education and support are essential tools that can be used to realize a peaceful and healthy living of the whole family. Luke and Burton started the transition and personal training in 2013 as a part-time enterprise from their semi-furbished garage. It was started from scratch with a handful of clients and fewer facilities. They deliberated their full effort, resources, sacrifices, client support who became close friends, appropriate networking and hard work. Transition networking has experienced enormous growth and today it is a gigantic industrial warehouse in Medina, Kwinana in Western Australia. The transition staff primarily focus on the provision of specialised workouts for everyone aimed at developing strong family ties. They have built a gym facility for the body, soul and spirit health thus helping clients to realise their health goals.
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4/1 Stanyford Way Medina WA 6167
0401 797 662